The admin interface

Sadie Petchey
Sadie Petchey

The admin interface is your control panel for the site. It allows you to control article, services and more. You will find most of the sites back end functionality in the admin interface.

This article will help you to understand what it is, where it is and what it can be used for. 

What does it look like?

The admin interface looks like this:

How can I access it?

Click the name of your site in the top bar and select 'administration'

What does it do?

In the main panel, you'll find the different modules and options.  These will be specific for your site and will be ordered with the most commonly updated modules at the top.

Articles, Events and People will usually be at the top with followed by the CMS module.  Lesser used modules like redirects and categories will be towards the bottom.

You might also find that administrators have more options than editors, the menus are customised so that you only see what you need to do your job.

Clicking on the options will take you to the modules which are covered in more detail in their knowledge base articles.

What does the toolbar allow me to do?

The main toolbar is visible when you are logged in and will change based on the actions you are performing at the time:

  1. Logo - This will switch you back and forth between the front end and back end editing modes
  2. Site name - Menu options to jump to useful places such as "Pages, "Admin", "Media Library.
  3. Page menu - Contect sensitive menu based on the module you are using
  4. Language selector - Only visible for multi-lingual sites.  Allows management of alternate language versions of the content.
  5. Undo/Redo - These work at a plugin level.
  6. Create - Allows the creation of new content types
  7. Publishing controls - Allows you to switch between draft and live versions and publish CMS pages
  8. Sidebar activation - Opens the sidebar to allow Plugins to be added.

There are some small differences depending on where you are in the system, these will be covered in the specific modules articles.


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